177 research outputs found

    Perspective on density functional theory

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    Density functional theory (DFT) is an incredible success story. The low computational cost, combined with useful (but not yet chemical) accuracy, has made DFT a standard technique in most branches of chemistry and materials science. Electronic structure problems in a dazzling variety of fields are currently being tackled. However, DFT has many limitations in its present form: Too many approximations, failures for strongly correlated systems, too slow for liquids, etc. This perspective reviews some recent progress and ongoing challenges.Comment: submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Density functional description of Coulomb blockade: Adiabatic or dynamic exchange-correlation?

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    Above the Kondo temperature, the Kohn-Sham zero-bias conductance of an Anderson junction has been shown to completely miss the Coulomb blockade. Within a standard model for the spectral function, we deduce a parameterization for both the onsite exchange-correlation potential and the bias drop as a function of the site occupation that applies for all correlation strengths. We use our results to sow doubt on the common interpretation of such corrections as arising from dynamical exchange-correlation contributions.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Uniform semiclassical approximations for one-dimensional fermionic systems

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    A thorough account is given of the derivation of uniform semiclassical approximations to the particle and kinetic energy densities of N noninteracting bounded fermions in one dimension. The employed methodology allows the inclusion of non-perturbative effects via an infinite resummation of the Poisson summation formula.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    The Role of Exact Conditions in TDDFT

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    This chapter is devoted to exact conditions in time-dependent density functional theory. Many conditions have been derived for the exact ground-state density functional, and several have played crucial roles in the construction of popular approximations. We believe that the reliability of the most fundamental approximation of any density functional theory, the local density approximation (LDA), is due to the exact conditions that it satisfies. Improved approximations should satisfy at least those conditions that LDA satisfies, plus others. (Which others is part of the art of functional approximation). In the time-dependent case, as we shall see, the adiabatic LDA (ALDA) plays the same role as LDA in the ground-state case, as it satisfies many exact conditions. But we do not have a generally applicable improvement beyond ALDA that includes nonlocality in time. For TDDFT, we have a surfeit of exact conditions, but that only makes finding those that are useful to impose an even more demanding task.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum critical benchmark for density functional theory

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    Two electrons at the threshold of ionization represent a severe test case for electronic structure theory. A pseudospectral method yields a very accurate density of the two-electron ion with nuclear charge close to the critical value. Highly accurate energy components and potentials of Kohn-Sham density functional theory are given, as well as a useful parametrization of the critical density. The challenges for density functional approximations and the strength of correlation are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Connection formulas for thermal density functional theory

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    The adiabatic connection formula of ground-state density functional theory relates the correlation energy to a coupling-constant integral over a purely potential contribution, and is widely used to understand and improve approximations. The corresponding formula for thermal density functional theory is cast as an integral over temperatures instead, ranging upward from the system's physical temperature. We also show how to relate different different correlation components to each other, either in terms of temperature- or coupling-constant integrations. We illustrate our results on the uniform electron gas

    A new challenge for time-dependent density-functional theory

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    Time-dependent density functional theory is thought to work well for the test cases of He and Be atoms. We perform a quantum defect analysis of the s, p, and d Rydberg states of Be with accurate ground state Kohn-Sham potentials. The s- and p-quantum defects are well described by the ALDA, but fails badly for the d-quantum defect. The same failure is observed in case of He. This provides a new challenge for functional development in time-dependent density functional theory.Comment: 1 table, 5 figures submitted to Chemical Physics Letter

    Deriving approximate functionals with asymptotics

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    Modern density functional approximations achieve moderate accuracy at low computational cost for many electronic structure calculations. Some background is given relating the gradient expansion of density functional theory to the WKB expansion in one dimension, and modern approaches to asymptotic expansions. A mathematical framework for analyzing asymptotic behavior for the sums of energies unites both corrections to the gradient expansion of DFT and hyperasymptotics of sums. Simple examples are given for the model problem of orbital-free DFT in one dimension. In some cases, errors can be made as small as 10βˆ’32^{-32} Hartree suggesting that, if these new ingredients can be applied, they might produce approximate functionals that are much more accurate than those in current use. A variation of the Euler-Maclaurin formula generalizes previous results.Comment: Submitted to Faraday Discussions for the Developments in DFT conference, Sept 2, 202

    Excited states from time-dependent density functional theory

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    Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) is presently enjoying enormous popularity in quantum chemistry, as a useful tool for extracting electronic excited state energies. This article explains what TDDFT is, and how it differs from ground-state DFT. We show the basic formalism, and illustrate with simple examples. We discuss its implementation and possible sources of error. We discuss many of the major successes and challenges of the theory, including weak fields, strong fields, continuum states, double excitations, charge transfer, high harmonic generation, multiphoton ionization, electronic quantum control, van der Waals interactions, transport through single molecules, currents, quantum defects, and, elastic electron-atom scattering.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figures and 11 tables. Submitted to Reviews of Computational Chemistry. Caution: Large Fil

    Quantifying Density Errors in DFT

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    We argue that any general mathematical measure of density error, no matter how reasonable, is too arbitrary to be of universal use. However the energy functional itself provides a universal relevant measure of density errors. For the self-consistent density of any Kohn-Sham calculation with an approximate functional, the theory of density-corrected density functional theory (DC-DFT) provides an accurate, practical estimate of this ideal measure. We show how to estimate the significance of the density-driven error even when exact densities are unavailable. In cases with large density errors, the amount of exchange-mixing is often adjusted, but we show this is unnecessary. Many chemically relevant examples are given
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